Afford Anything — by Paula Pant. A truly exceptional interviewer and teacher. There are hundreds of episodes, and simply listening to her content or weekly Q&As will leave you more and more educated and informed. Highly recommend digging back through the series and finding interviews on specific topics that appeal to you. Also, her website and community is a fantastic resource.
Dear Franny — by Francesca Hogi. Fran is a powerful manifestor and Love Coach. I, personally, find that being in tune with my inner and outer relationships heavily affect my financial well-being. Highly recommend her most recent series that deals largely with manifestation.
Brown Ambition — Mandi Woodruff and Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche run a fantastic podcast on wealth-building and financial mangement and money-related questions. Highly recommend listening to them; it’s enjoyable and fun!
Mind Your Business — This is a more spiritual and energy-based approach to business and working as an entrepreneur.
Current Readings
“A Return to Love” — by Marianne Williamson
“Synchrodestiny” — by Deepak Chopra
“Conscious Luck” & “The Big Leap” — Gay Hendricks
“The Living Mountain” — by Nan Shepherd